Development of far-off, hilly areas Govt’s priority: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 22: Minister for Tourism, Ghulam Ahmad Mir, has said that ensuring improved basic facilities in far-off and hilly areas is priority of the Government and several initiatives have been taken in this regard during the last 4 years.
This was stated by the Minister while interacting with various deputations from Dooru. The deputationists projected their demands and problems seeking an early redressal to the same.
The Minister assured the deputationists that all their genuine demands and grievances would be looked into sympathetically. He directed the concerned officers to ensure time bound completion of all the ongoing projects in the area. He also instructed them for speedy disposal of day to day problems óf the people cautioning them of strict action in case of any negligence on their part.
The deputations which met the Minister were from village Chango, Tanjelo, Lissar Chowalgam, Wadwan and Shadwari. They pleaded for improvement and up gradation of power supply, drinking water, road connectivity and healthcare in their respective areas.
The Minister also directed the CA&PD authorities for adequate stocking of food grains at all sale outlets so that the rationees of the area would not face any inconvenience in getting their monthly ration.
Responding to other demands of the locals, the Minister said that due consideration would be given for development and promotion of tourism activities in the area, as it is known that Qazigund part of Dooru Constituency is the gate way of Kashmir tourism.
The Minister, who also represents from Dooru Constituency, directed the concerned officers to redouble their efforts for achieving optimum results of the welfare programmes initiated by the Government for socio-economic transformation of the weaker sections. He instructed the officers for making frequent visits to remote areas to ensure on the spot redressal of peoples day to day problem besides ‘meeting their developmental needs.