Dogri literary scenario

This has reference to two articles that appeared in Magazine section of your esteemed paper, namely;Mithi Mithi Dogri Bolde n Dogre ( Suman Sharma – 20th December, 2015 ) and Cultural Calender ( Lalit Gupta – 27th December, 2015 ). I complement both the learned authors of these articles and your paper for highlighting the cultural and literary scenario of Jammu, especially the activities pertaining to Dogri.
Suman Sharm’s article, presenting  a bird’s- eye- view , has a freshness and an exquisite
literary touch to it. It raises many pertinent and relevant questions regarding this sweet language of Dogras, especially, it’s losing touch with younger generation.The public in general and Writers in particular must pay attention to the issues raised in the article. Lalit Gupta’s article on cultural achievements during 2015 is very comprehensive, covering almost all important events and  initiatives taken within the year. The article  based on meticulous collation of data, certainly has immense archival value and deserves to be  preserved by those who are concerned with art, culture and literature of the region.
I hope your paper will continue to give prominent space to the literary and cultural events and developments and will continue to play the important role in the propagation  and promotion of culture of this region.
Yours etc….
Lalit Magotra
Dogri Advisory Board in Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi