Apropos K B Jandial’s another Straight Talk on Drabu’s new doctrine( DE March 21). It was a exhaustive and well researched analysis on sacking of FM Haseeb Drabu. He has had commendable track record of the jobs assigned to him till date..professional as well as political. He has tried to prevail on the inhabitants of the state to talk to themselves before talking to others. Isolationist thinking is outdated and self inflicting. The whole speech highlights are realistic and there is nothing objectionable that justified his sacking.
Drabu doctrine is universalism as against the belief that ‘We are different and special’ and is tenable. I am reminded of a chance visit to the house of an Assam Government Officer at Guwahati in 80s through a common friend. Kashmir was not a sensitive topic those times and the name attracted special attention and respect. I was surprised at the bitter feelings of Assamese co-religionist Officer against India and Indian Government. His argument had some logic..’Government of India is interested only in our rich resources, be it teak, tea or oil; it is not bothered about our progress and prosperity’. Even NER has realized the relevance of universal dispensation and the whole region of seven states with diverse communities customs and languages is now on fast track of progress. Talking to yourself or analyzing in wider truthful perspective is yet another important point worth consideration in the pragmatic Drabu Doctrine.
Yours etc….
J K Vaid,
Former Director GSI,
Sidhra, Jammu
You have brought out truth and there is need to ponder over on the real issue. As early we realise the better it is. Hopefully, the good sense prevails and narratives of political and territorial issue is changed for the betterment of the State.
Yours etc..
Ranjeet Sharma
on e-mail