Draft MoP on judges appointment to be sent to CJI

NEW DELHI: The Law Ministry has held consultations with the Prime Minister’s Office and the Attorney General on a new Memorandum of Procedure(MoP) to guide appointment of Supreme Court judges and Law Minister D V Sadananda Gowda is likely to soon give the final draft of it to the Chief Justice of India.

The four issues highlighted by the draft MoP are transparency in the appointment process, eligibility criteria, a permanent secretariat for the collegium and a process to evaluate and deal with complaints against candidates.

“Transparency remains the key as an opaque appointment system has drawn criticism,” a senior Government functionary said.

The Law Ministry is also planning to draft another MoP for appointing Chief Justice and judges of the 24 high courts after getting inputs from Chief Ministers and Chief Justices of High Courts.

Gowda had recently written to them seeking their inputs within 15 days.

The final version of the draft is likely to be given to Chief Justice of India T S Thakur by Gowda in the coming days. (AGENCIES)