Earthquake in Jammu & Kashmir

This has reference to the article “No major earthquake threat in Jammu and Kashmir’ by Mr B D Mal Barna DE June 10th.
I fully apprciate and support the article which is based on scientific data and experience gained by Mr Barna since 1977 by working as an Engineering Geologist in J&K.
I being an Engineering Geologist myself, and am working on various geological problems in respect of major and minor structures executed, under execution or to be executed by various agencies especially in Jammu region, such as rail line, highways, bridges power projects and irrigation projects from 1971. Though, I may not be an expert, but experience gained since 1971 as an Engineering Geologist warrented me to support the Article. The Jammu & Kashmir State falls in seismically active zone (Zone IV & Zone V).
My plea to the Government, the people, the Engineers is be prepared for any eventuality and to take necessary safety measures even while constructing residential buildings.
Yours etc….
M R Vaid
Engineering Geologist
opposite Ram Temple Gurah-Bakshi Nagar, Jammu