Employees APRs to be filled as per efficiency in food distribution: Zulfkar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 27: More than 34 lakh quintals of food grains were distributed among the consumers by Department of Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA), Jammu during the year 2016 under National Food Security Act (NFSA) and Mufti Muhammad Syeed Food Entitlement Scheme (MMSFES).
This information was provided during a review meeting chaired by Minister for FCS&CA, Choudhary Zulfkar Ali, held here today, where he sought detailed update on various activities carried out by the department.
During the meeting, the Minister was informed 28,638,76.76 quintals of food grains were distributed among consumers in Jammu division under NFSA from February 2016 to January 2017, while under MMSFES 5,58,437 quintals of food grains were provided to beneficiaries from July 2016 till January 2017.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister said Government would not tolerate anyone’s lackluster attitude in the distribution process and action would be taken against the errant employees in this regard.
Directing the concerned officers to conduct random inspection of various food depots across the State, the Minister said the officers need to make frequent surprise visits of the stores to ensure that the lifted food grains by the dealers were distributed among the consumers. He said APR of all the concerned employees would be filled as per their efficiency shown in the distribution process.
Asking for brining coordination in work, the Minister said the department has taken up some flagship programmes like incorporation of electronic Food Distribution System (ePDS), and distribution of ration cards and success of these programme is possible only when everyone in the department works in a coordinated manner.
The Minister directed all the Assistant Directors of Jammu division to coordinate with banks to get electronic Point of Sale machines installed at all food depots to increase transparency during various business transactions there.
Speaking in favour of paperless communication, the Minister said, “we have to embrace the present day technology, whether we like it or not. Besides, saving forests, the technology is faster, and better means of communication,” he added. He directed the officers present in meeting to carry out all official communication through emails instead of using papers.
The Minister was informed that the “Grievance Redressal Mechanism” would be put in place by early next month. Highlighting the need of the mechanism, the Minister said, there should be a proper channel through which consumers could register their complaints, and get them redressed in quick time.
The Minister directed for creation of “Price Monitoring Unit” at Jammu and as well as Kashmir directorate. He said consumers cannot be left at the mercy of black marketers and a unit should be constituted that would not only fix the rates of various commodities, but would also ensure that the rates established are followed as per the Government order.
Secretary, FCS&CA, Shafiq Ahmad Raina, Special Secretary, FCS&CA, Nissar Ahmad Wani, Director, FCS&CA, G S Chib, Assistant Directors from Jammu division and other concerned officers were present in the meeting.