Employees demand complete revocation of SRO-202

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Jan 5: Scores of employees appointed under SRO- 202 today protested against the new job policy and demanded its complete revocation.
The employees held a peaceful sit-in at Pratap Parak and demanded complete revocation of SRO-202. While terming the policy as “anti-youth and draconian” the protesting employees urged the Governor administration to revoke the SRO. By doing away with the policy, they said, the Government would usher a wave of good governance and empower the youth.
They said that the recent recommendation of the Law Commission which besides asking for reduction in the probation period to 2-years and simultaneous amendment in Rule 9 and Rule 10, came down heavily on those who were at the helm of affairs when “this anti youth and draconian SRO” was notified.
They alleged that the policy makers are victimizing them despite getting appointments through Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) and Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board. “We were recruited after multi-tier process by these agencies. We have not been appointed on mercy or through political patronage, our selection and appointed has been on merit,” an employee said. In addition, he said the SRO is against equal pay for equal work which is catalyzing the sense of discrimination.
The employees said that despite working on substantive posts borne on the establishment of different Government departments which have been created decades back, they are only getting basic pay component of the salary and are denied all the allowances like DA, HRA, CCA.
The biggest issue employees are facing is that they are entitled to annual increments only from the 6 year of the service which is clear contravention to J&K-CSR 1965. “Denial of the due annual increments will have a detrimental effect on our serve and pension career and will lead to pay anomaly in future”, an employee said.
The employees lamented that most of them are posted in remotest places including Tangdar, Gurez, Karna and Ladakh and few others at New Delhi. “Logically they should be given incentives but unfortunately have been denied even usual allowances by the policy makers,” an employee said.
The protestors said as per the Rule 7 of the this new discrimanory job policy recruitment to different posts was assured to be completed on fast track basis( within three months) but it took more than 3 years to complete the recruitment process in most of the areas.