Empower Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh regions: Rana

NC Provincial President Devender Singh Rana addressing party functionaries and office bearers on Friday.
NC Provincial President Devender Singh Rana addressing party functionaries and office bearers on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 29: National Conference Provincial President Devender Singh Rana today said that respecting and assuaging aspirations of the three regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is imperative for preserving singular entity of the State.
“The three regions have their distinct aspirations, which are needed to be respected and met to offset the sense of deprivation”, Rana said while addressing senior party functionaries and office bearers of various districts of the Jammu region at Sher-e-Kashmir Bhavan this afternoon.
He said the National Conference has spelled out a roadmap in this regard in its Regional Autonomy Document, which is needed to be debated and considered by rising above party politics in the larger interest of the unity of the State, a shining example of unity in diversity.
The Provincial President said a mechanism will have to be devised to put in place autonomous regional councils with duly structured public representatives at the regional and district levels under the overall superintendence of the State. This will not only help in achieving the larger objective of decentralisation of powers but also enable public participation in decision making. He said such a mechanism will be in consonance with the political philosophy of National Conference that believes people as the real fountain head of power.
Rana said regional harmony is key to progress and development of the State. “This can be achieved only when each region of the state gets equal opportunity in economic development and political empowerment”, he said.
The Provincial President touched volley of issues including the prevailing security situation in the State and challenges on developmental front.
Referring to traumatic situation being faced by border dwellers due to intermittent ceasefire violations and skirmishes, the Provincial President said the alarming security scenario calls for thaw between Indo-Pak relations.
“True, the conditions are not conducive at the moment to carry forward the process of dialogue but the issues cannot be sorted out by guns”, he said, adding that the victims of border skirmishes are the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He hoped that the Centre will show the same maturity and political sagacity in tackling with the neighbouring country which it demonstrated in ending the Dokhlam stand-off.