Energy and Fuel

It is now common-knowledge that the Western countries, Japan, etc., are swiftly moving towards junking fossil fuel run vehicles and replacing these with electrically driven ones. Also much of this fossil fuel based technology is now generously being dumped into India! It is, hence, overdue that India does not miss the train and also start gradually getting rid of fossil fuel based vehicles.
Additionally, India must also further expand her nuclear and solar power production facilities. Fortunately for India we have had some exceptional scientists, such as Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabha who was responsible for setting-up our world class nuclear program, the benefits of which we are reaping today.
It was also Dr. Bhabha’s vision to move towards Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR). Today India is close to commissioning a 500 MW FBR which has commercial applications. India would be the second country globally to have a commercial FBR. Russia is the only other country which has a commercial FBR namely, the Beloyarsk Nuclear Plant. We must now hasten the production of commercial FBRs.
Yours etc….
Dr. Upinder Fotadar,
New York