Enough troops in J&K, Govt taking all steps to protect country’s interests: DM

*PMO reviews LoC tensions at high level meet
The tensions along the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan were discussed at a high-level meeting in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) where Defence Secretary Shashikant Sharma briefed about the situation there.
Shashikant Sharma briefed the PMO about the situation along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch sector which has seen several ceasefire violations by the Pakistan Army in the last few days, sources said.
The meeting was attended by top officials from the PMO and the National Security Advisor (NSA) who were briefed about the steps taken by the forces and the Defence Ministry after the incidents.
Defence Minister A K Antony and National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon are keeping Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh abreast of the developments in the situation.
Viewing with “serious concern” the increased ceasefire violations by Pakistan along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir, India today said the provocative action of killing of two soldiers on Tuesday was a “turning point” in the situation.
Amid increased tension along the Line of Control, Defence Minister A K Antony said there were “enough troops” in Jammu and Kashmir and the Government was taking all steps to protect the interest of the country.
“It is not an isolated incident, it’s increasing from the last one year. Ceasefire violations are also increasing. It is a matter of concern to us and the tragic, provocative actions two days back, that was a turning point at the moment,” Antony told reporters in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of Delhi.
“This kind of occasional ceasefire violations and firing is a serious concern, because even though violence level in Kashmir has come down compared to the past, infiltration attempts are increasing,” he said on the sidelines of a function to inaugurate housing project for armed forces.
As the level of tension increased after Pakistani troops violated ceasefire continuously and also closed the gates for cross-LoC trade yesterday, the Indian Army is maintaining utmost vigilance.
“We are closely monitoring the whole development and our entire border and Indian troops were on alert,” Antony said.
He said the Director Generals of Military Operations (DGMOs) of the two countries were in touch, adding “let us see the result of that talk”.
The Government, in a coordinated manner, is closely monitoring the situation and “we will take every step to protect our interest and prestige of armed forces”, Antony said.
Asked about the incident being discussed in the Cabinet Committee on Security and if he saw any change in India’s process of negotiation with Pakistan, Antony said, “Yesterday, there was a CCS meeting where there was a discussion about this development. I can’t reveal what transpired there.”
When asked about reports that jawans of the unit whose soldiers were brutally killed refused to eat till they are allowed to retaliate, he said, “I have no such reports.”
Antony said there were enough troops in Jammu and Kashmir and jawans and officers are capable and determined to face the situation.
Asked about involvement of LeT in the incident, Antony said, “I don’t want to go into details now. DGMOs are in close touch. Let us see the result. We are taking this very seriously.”
Meanwhile, Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office V Narayanaswamy said India would ensure that Pakistan follows the ceasefire agreement between the two countries.
Terming the recent incidents along the Line of Control as “unfortunate”, he said, “As far as the Government of India is concerned, the agreement we have signed and the understanding was there on the ceasefire between India and Pakistan. It has to be honoured”.
“If Pakistan violates, we will take it up with them and we will ensure that they should follow whatever the agreement introduced by the Government of India and Pakistan on the ceasefire issue,” he said.
He also said the relationship between the two countries, which are developing, should not be disturbed.
Commenting on the situation along the Line of Control (LoC), Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne said, “It is a matter of concern to us and we are looking at all the aspects.”
Browne, who is also the Chairman, Chiefs of Staffs Committee, said, “Security issues are being looked at closely in the Valley. The situation in Jammu and Kashmir is peaceful and we expect these border violations to stop.”
“This year, the violations have increased… We want this to hold,” he added.
Meanwhile, India and Pakistan today continued to trade accusations over ceasefire violations with Pakistani Government summoning the Indian envoy to serve a demarche on yesterday’s incident, which Indian authorities said was a “controlled response” to “unprovoked” firing by the other side.
Pakistan Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani summoned High Commissioner Sharat Sabharwal to lodge “a strong protest on the repeated, unacceptable and unprovoked attacks on Pakistani soldiers by the Indian Army” and sought “thorough investigation” by the Indian Government.
Officials of the Pakistan Foreign Office said that Jilani handed over a strongly worded demarche to Sabharwal.
In New Delhi, the official spokesperson in the Ministry of External Affairs said Sabharwal was “called to the Foreign Office where he met Jilani and issued a note verbale on an incident which is said to have occurred on January 10.”
He also said Pakistan is claiming that one of their soldiers was killed in the incident yesterday.
Sabharwal told Jilani that there was “unprovoked firing from Pakistan (along the LoC) in Mendhar sector and there was a controlled response from our side,” the MEA spokesperson said.
The Indian envoy also stressed the need for holding the sanctity of LoC and adherence of the Simla Agreement to sort out bilateral issues, he said.
A statement issued by the Pakistan Foreign Office said Jilani “asked the Indian Government to thoroughly investigate the repeated violations of the ceasefire along the Line of Control by Indian troops and also take necessary steps to ensure their non-recurrence.”
Jilani renewed Pakistan’s offer to hold an “independent inquiry” into recent ceasefire violations through the United Nations Military Observers Group for India and Pakistan, the Pakistan Foreign Office statement said.
This was countered by the MEA, which reiterated India’s position that it was “capable” of resolving the issue bilaterally and rejected role of the UN or any third party.
The Pakistani statement said Jilani reminded the Indian Government “of its commitment to fully implement the ceasefire” and urged it to “abide (by) and respect the ceasefire along the LoC, which is an important CBM that has worked well since 2003.”
The Pakistan Foreign Secretary “emphasised that such unprovoked attacks were against the spirit of the ongoing peace process. These attacks not only vitiate the atmosphere but also create unnecessary and avoidable distractions in our efforts towards the peace process,” the statement said.
“Pakistan has pursued with seriousness the dialogue with India and has taken significant steps to create a peaceful environment. Pakistan reiterates its commitment to a peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues through a sustained and result-oriented dialogue with India,” it said.
Pakistan’s Foreign Office had earlier called in Indian Deputy High Commissioner Gopal Baglay on January 7 to protest an incident that occurred a day earlier.
The External Affairs Ministry summoned Pakistan High Commissioner Salman Bashir earlier this week to protest the killing of the two Indian soldiers.
Sources in Islamabad said the Pakistan Foreign Office’s decision to call in the Indian High Commissioner to be given a demarche by the Foreign Secretary marked an escalation in the tit-for-tat responses.
Meanwhile, Jilani said Indian envoy Sabharwal had agreed “about the need to respect the sanctity of the LoC”.
He added: “Such incidents are not in the interest of peace and security of the region. We hope the LoC ceasefire agreement is respected in letter and spirit.”
“We were disappointed over the continuing patterns of violations of the LoC by Indian troops,” Jilani contended.
Pakistan, he said, wants to promote peace and stability in the region and friendly relations with all its neighbours.
“The resumed dialogue process is progressing. We would expect the Indian Government to ensure the sanctity of LoC is maintained at all costs and there is no recurrence of such incidents. It is in neither their favour nor our interest,” he said.
Jilani rejected reports that Pakistani troops had beheaded or mutilated the bodies of the two Indian soldiers killed on Tuesday.
“We have rejected this and now that version is being challenged in the Indian media,” he remarked.
He said the UN observers had been briefed on the situation by Pakistani defence authorities.
“It is the only neutral, independent mechanism available to us…We have reason to believe that in this kind of situation, if an independent, neutral and impartial enquiry is conducted, the truth will come out. And the only forum which we can think of, which also has a clear mandate, is UNMOGIP,” he said.
Responding to a question on whether India was making allegations about ceasefire violations on the LoC to divert attention from the gang-rape of a woman in New Delhi, Jilani replied: “Our hope is that such unfortunate incidents are not driven by a particular strategy and our only hope is that these are contained in the days to come.”
Asked if Pakistan would take up the issue with the UN Security Council, Jilani said Islamabad would “keep all options open” but hoped that the situation would not escalate.
The Foreign Secretary addressed the media after briefing European envoys on the situation along the LoC.
He also met US Ambassador Richard Olson to discuss the issue.
He contended that the envoys of the US and European countries were concerned about the situation along the LoC as they were keen to see an improvement in India-Pakistan relations.
“I’m sure they will play a positive role in de-escalating the current situation,” he said. (PTI)