Follow Sri Rama’s path of dharma: Swami Paul

Swami Paul blessing his disciples at the conclusion of Navratra festival at his Meditation Home on Friday.
Swami Paul blessing his disciples at the conclusion of Navratra festival at his Meditation Home on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 29: The Navratra festival organized by Swami Paul’s Meditation Home, Jammu, concluded with ‘Purnahuti’ of Maha Gayatri Yagna on Maha Navmi today. During the nine day festival, apart from Gayatri Yagnas, the Dhyan sessions with Kirtan, devotional singing and discourses by the spiritual head of Meditation Home, Swami Paul Ji were organized.
Addressing the gathering Swami Paul described the path of relgion as the ultimate key for peace and progress. It is the religious teaching and humane approach put to practice while leading the normal family and social life which takes man to virtues and this truth was brilliantly demonstrated in the life of Sri Rama. From Sri Rama’s behaviour and conduct in life, we get to know the detailed application of Dharma in our social relations. From him one learn his conduct towards his parents, brothers, wife, friends and even enemies. Sri Rama not only shows how should we put ourselves right with our fellow men but also that our love for them should be pure and absolutely free from dark hidden motives.
In the present social scenario Swami ji pointed out that religion based perception of life and living in glory of the divine is more relevant and of utmost urgency for maintenance of peace and tranquillity in the social order. Religion means the quest for divine truth which every culture and every individual around the world seeks. Referring to Saints and Rishies, Swami Ji said that they professed different faiths but their objective has been to establish dharma which believes in God as propitiated by founders of all religions. The basic goal of dharma is to enable man to make efforts to realise the innate divinity which manifests in every human being.
Swami Ji emphasized that our society needs enlightened righteous individuals as leader who could draw strength from religion to lead the society. He further stressed the need for transformation of minds of the leaders through religious inspiration so that they could rise wbove narrow personal motives and shun the lust for power and money.