Former Minister Gani Vakil joins PC

Former Congress leader Gani Vakil joining Peoples Conference in presence of Sajad Lone in Srinagar. -Excelsior/Shakeel
Former Congress leader Gani Vakil joining Peoples Conference in presence of Sajad Lone in Srinagar. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Jan 24: Senior political leader and former minister, Abdul Gani Vakil today joined Peoples’ Conference (PC)led by Sajad Gani Lone.
Welcoming Vakil into the party, Lone said that Vakil is a stalwart of politics in the State and the “politics of change” would continue to gain a momentum with such self-made, mass leaders choosing the “Caravan of Change”.
“Abdul Gani Vakil started his politics with Late Abdul Gani Lone and Late Molvi Iftikhar Hussain Ansari and has worked tireless and with commitment for the people of the State. We welcome him to the Peoples’ Conference family and have no doubt in our minds that with his joining the party will be strengthened in its ability and its resolve to effect drastic change in the State’s politics”, Sajad Lone said.

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Sajjad welcomed the Governor’s assent to a bill for giving reservation to Paharis. “As minister in-charge Social Welfare, I introduced the bill in the Assembly and got it passed with support from all MLAs,” he said. He said he along with Imran Raza Ansari and Raja Aijaz Ali had also recently meet Governor to seek his assent for the bill.
Vakil thanked PC Chairperson Sajad Gani Lone for reposing faith in him and his intent to deliver change. “I am joining hands with Peoples’ Conference to fight the two entitled dynasties who have done nothing but exploit the people of J&K for decades,” he said.
“I have single-handedly and relentless voiced the issue of widespread corruption patronized by both NC and PDP Government for the last 43 years. The two dynasties are responsible for the vicious mess in Kashmir as they have never let democracy flourish in the strife stricken state. Dynastic rule is no less than dictatorship. These dynasties can stoop to any level to grab power and to hold on to it,” he said.
“Today Dr. Farooq Abdullah has the audacity and shamelessness to talk about ending anti-militancy operations. What about the operations that he authorized and scripted from 1996 to 2002 when thousands of innocent Kashmiris were mercilessly killed? Does he have no shame left? If anyone is the prime culprit for the murder and genocide of Kashmiris – it is National Conference,” he said.
“It ironic that Omar Abdullah has the gall to talk about BJP and point fingers at others. Omar Abdullah’s political birth is solely attributable to BJP and RSS. His political birth happened at RSS Headquarters at Nagpur when he was included as a Minister in the Vajpayee Government as a first-time, inexperience, disconnected MP”, he said.
Those present on the occasion included senior party leaders Imran Reza Ansari, Bashir Ahmad Dar, Junaid Azim Mattu and Rafiabad constituency head Khursheed Ahmad Khan among others.