Future of various Associations in jeopardy as Sports Council serves final notice

‘Big initiative to revamp system’
Rajesh Dhar
JAMMU, June 14: The Government of Jammu and Kashmir, through its elitist Sports Organisation-the J&K State Sports Council, is all set to close the doors for unrecognised Sports Associations as the Council has served a final notice to all the recognised Sports Associations of the State to furnish essential documents with regard to their recognition and affiliation by tomorrow.
According to the final notice, the Sports Council had asked the Associations to furnish the Annual Sports Calendar of activities; certified copies of the Constitution of the Association; certified registration certificate duly registered with the competent authority; list of members, office bearers, district units and their tenure; district wise list of the players associated with the Association and certified copy of affiliation with National Federation.
The J&K State Sports Council in its earlier notice had asked the Associations to furnish the details by March 10, 2019, but only few Associations had responded, which forced the Council to serve the final notice.
It has been observed that despite the fact that the State of Jammu and Kashmir is striving hard to carve a space on the country’s sports map, most of the Sports Associations in the State either mar talent or befool budding sportspersons for their vested interests.
“This is a very big initiative of the State Government to revamp sports system and make it comprehensive. It will surely set the things right by shutting the doors of unrecognised Associations, which, otherwise, leave the sportspersons in the lurch. The office bearers of these Associations are more concerned about helping their favourites to achieve Sports Category Certificates than helping the State teams to blossom at the higher levels,” said a senior official of State Sports Council on the condition of anonymity.
It is pertinent to mention here that there are 56 recognized Sports Associations in the State, with around 15 Associations having disputes within them.
The final notice of the Council will surely make an end to the process of using different yardsticks for measuring performance of the Associations.
The disciplines like Mastogi-Do, Hapkido, Silambam and likes, despite having no recognition, make the State teams to represent at the higher levels, simply befooling the budding sportspersons and wasting their precious time.
Making new Associations everyday and picking players has become a custom in J&K.
Moreover, the unrecognised Sports Associations while finding it tough to get recognition and affiliation from concerned Federations, have taken new route of affiliating themselves with School Games Federation of India (SGFI), which is not a costlier affair.
With such a system in practice, expecting Jammu and Kashmir establish its place on the Country’s Sports Map is simply to red-rag a bull.
“We are trying to tighten the noose of those Sports Associations, who befool the players and play with their careers. We will soon notify the revised list of recognized Associations. We also advise the parents and the players to check with the Sports Council Office about the activities of a particular Association before sending their wards to them,” added senior official of the Council.
He further said that the last Standing Committee of the Sports Council chaired had also considered initiating criminal proceedings to punish the office bearers of fraudulent Associations.
It is need of the hour that the Government comes down heavily upon these fake Associations, to provide genuine platform for the budding sportspersons of the State, in case, Government wants to raise the standard of sports in the State.
The 56 recognised Associations which have been served the notice include All Jammu & Kashmir Sports Association of Deaf, J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Association, All J&K Chess Association, J&K Amateur Athletic Association, Jammu and Kashmir Rifle Association, Jammu and Kashmir Cycling Association, Body Building Association J&K, Wushu Association, Kho-Kho Association, J&K Roll Ball Association, J&K Volleyball Association, J&K Yoga Association, J&K Amateur Boxing Association, J&K Baseball Association, J&K Billiards & Snooker Association, Amateur Karate Do Association, Jammu and Kashmir Judo Association, Hockey J&K, Weightlifting Association, J&K Football Association, J&K Tennikoit Association, J&K Water Skiing, J&K Korfball Association, J&K Rugby Association, J&K Pencak Silat Association, J&K Wrestling Association, J&K Squash Rackets, Winter Games Association, Handball Association of J&K, Thang-Ta Association, Basketball Association, Mountaineering Association, Table Tennis, J&K Shooting Association, J&K Sports Powerlifting Association, Badminton Association, J&K Amateur Fencing Association, Archery Association, J&K Ball Badminton, J&K Cycle Polo Association, J&K Carrom Association, J&K Gymnastics Association, J&K Horse Polo Association, J&K Amateur Kabaddi Association, J&K Lawn Tennis Association, J&K Netball Association, J&K Olympic Association, Amateur Roller Skating Association J&K, J&K Swimming Association, J&K Softball Association, J&K Tennisball Cricket Association, J&K Taekwondo Association, J&K Veterans Athletic Association, J&K Indian Style Wrestling Association, J&K Golf Association and J&K Association for Rowing & Sculling.