Golok Express organizes Bhagwad Gita Gyaan program

Members of Golok Express and other dignitaries during a religious event at Jain Temple, Bahu Plaza in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Members of Golok Express and other dignitaries during a religious event at Jain Temple, Bahu Plaza in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 17: Hundreds of people gathered today at Jain Temple, Bahu Plaza (Jammu) to take part in a Bhagwad Gita Gyaan program.
The event titled ‘Bhagwad Gita Gyaan’ was organized by Golok Express Jammu unit comprising Dr Kiran Choudhary, Neelam Gupta and Vandana. The program commenced at 11 AM and concluded at 4:30 PM.
Dr Nikhil Gupta (founder member of Golok Express) from Chamba (Himachal Pradesh) led the religious event, which was attended by people of varying age groups. He was accompanied by other members of Golok Express from Chamba namely Nitin Gupta, Preeti and Rupali.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Nikhil Gupta said, “Shrimad Bhagwad Gita is the crown jewel of all the scriptures. It is not only the scripture of Hindu religion but of the entire human race. That’s why it should be followed by people of every religion.”
He said like a mother, Bhagwad Gita creates the best values in us. It teaches us the art of living happily. Dr Gupta told the gathering not take inspiration of violence from Geeta as it teaches us to fight the war of negative and positive thoughts in the mind and take the right decision.
Nitin Gupta said, “The Srimad Bhagwad Gita is a 700-verse scripture containing the teachings of Shri Krishna as he taught Arjun the eternal science of self-realization, Brahm Gyan, during the ‘yuddh’ of Mahabharat. Each verse of the Gita is known as a shloka and it is said that this single scripture can answer any dilemma and conundrum about life and beyond when understood correctly under the guidance of a true Spirituak Master.”