Govt committed to address water crisis in Kishtwar: Sunil

Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, June 21: Minister of State for Transport, Revenue, Public Works (R&B), Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Agriculture Production, Youth Services & Sports, Sunil Sharma today impressed upon the officials to work with utmost zeal to achieve maximum developmental targets so that the general masses of this backward district may not feel left out and neglected.
He was chairing a high level meeting of district and sectoral officers of Kishtwar to review core sectors including PHE, Power, R&B and CAPD. He expressed confidence that fast pace work on WSS Naigad will help in early completion of the project and soon the water crisis in the area will be sorted out.
He directed the XEn PHE to start full water lift scheme without any delay as the water crisis has taken serious shape in Kishtwar. Other schemes were also discussed in detailed manner.
Regarding R&B, the minister passed strict direction to the XEn to immediately repair the damaged roads of town and periphery. He directed AD CAPD to ensure ration to far flung areas on priority basis to address shortage of food items. The targets of RDD under MGNREGA and IAY were also discussed.
The minister also took review of SSA and RAMSA schemes and asked the CEO to ensure availability of teachers in all areas. While emphasizing on utilization of 100 per cent funds provided under the district plan, state plan and other Centrally sponsored schemes, the Minister impressed upon all the heads of the departments and sectoral officers to ensure implementation of all the board decisions.
He said Government will attend to all the developmental needs of district Kishtwar and focus will remain on health, education, PHE, R&B and RDD sectors besides other departments.
During the meeting, the DDC Kishtwar presented a detailed report on the progress achieved with respect to the implementation of DDB decisions. The Minister stressed upon departments to be answerable to people as most of the schemes don’t seem to be executed on ground due to laxity of officers besides most of the time departments don’t have a scheme and funds get lapsed.
He said that construction of reservoirs for providing potable water would be taken up in convergence. He directed the concerned departments for close coordination to remove impediments confronting construction of some roads projects in the district. The Minister asked the Agriculture Department to work hard for development of saffron, Rajmash and other local crops in the district.
Warning stern action against dereliction of duty, the Minister called upon the sectoral officers to ensure punctuality of the officials in their departments, adding that any negligence in this regard would be viewed seriously for stern action. He also directed for constitution special squads to ensure punctuality in Government offices.