Govt committed to ensure quality education to all: Lone

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 21: Minister for Higher Education, Mohammad Akbar Lone today reiterated the Government’s commitment to ensure quality education to the students at their door steps.
Interacting with various deputations, including Management Graduates of Jammu and Kashmir State and Teachers Forum Jammu, who called on him here today, Mr. Lone said that education plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of the people and said the sector has been accorded first priority by the present Government.
He said that need of the hour was to ensure quality education in the State institutions so that students can compete for high profile jobs.
The Minister asked the teaching fraternity to work with utmost zeal and give their best to the State and society.
Earlier, deputationists projected their demands which mostly related to improvement of education sector. Mr. Lone gave patient hearing and assured them that their genuine demands will be looked into.
Responding to the demand of recognition of degree of Mulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad in State, the Minister said that Urdu language has great importance at National level adding that need was to promote this language in the State.
Principal Secretary, Higher Education A. K. Agarwal was also present on the occasion.