Govt forms committees for implementation of SUMAN

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 5: For implementation of Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan (SUMAN) in Jammu and Kashmir, Government today accorded sanction to the constitution of Union Territory Level Committee, District Level Committee(s) and Block Level Committee(s).
Headed by Administrative Secretary, Health & Medical Education Department as the Chairman, the UT Level Committee shall develop road map and action on for implementation of the initiative with the aim to ensure that the maternity care and other entitled services are delivered free of cost as part of service guarantee for maternal, newborn and infant care.
It shall monitor and review the performance of the programme and ensure that PRIs and social groups, including SHGs are given orientation for awareness generation.
The UT Level Committee shall ensure that necessary budgetary provisions for the SUMAN are made in the Annual Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) and funds released to the district/facilities as per the allocations.
Headed by the respective District Development Commissioner, the District Level Committee(s) shall be responsible for the real time implementation of the imitative and reviewing the progress of SUMAN at district level. It shall ensure 100 percent registration of all maternal death and review corrective measures undertaken to address the systematic gaps. It shall develop strategies that will ensure community mobilization, participation and monitoring besides ensuring time-bound redressal of grievances.
Similarly, the Block Level Committee(s) shall be headed by the Block Medical Officer. It shall be responsible for real time implementation of the initiative and review the progress of SUMAN at Block Level. It shall ensure that all PHCs/SCs are converted as Health and Wellness Centres and providing services as per comprehensive primary health care guidelines.