Govt must address illegal migrants issue: RSS

NEW DELHI, May 16: The Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) wants the Government to address the issue of illegal migration from Bangladesh   immediately now that the border issue has been settled with the neighbouring country.
India and Bangladesh has finally settled the border issue by operationalising the contentious land boundary agreement, which was  the  anomaly of  partition and   subsequent  irony  is  thus  addressed.
It  has  settled  the  dichotomy of  land  and  human  control  for the  states  of  Assam, West  Bengal, Meghalaya  and  Tripura. Now with borders marked, it is time to address the issues pertaining to illegal migration, an editorial in RSS mouthpiece Organiser said.
Criticising the Left and   Mamata Banerjee’s administrations soft approach on illegal migrants, the weekly said, “While Hindus are migrating in large numbers as refugees; Muslims are entering the neighbouring states as illegal migrants.
This has been a bone of contention in Assam, to some extent in Meghalaya and largely in Paschim Banga.  It accused the Communists of having systematically nurtured their constituency on communal lines in the garb of secular politics. Hope of peace was rekindled with the victory of Trinamool Congress (TMC) under Ms Mamata Banerjee, in 2011 assembly elections ending more than three decade old communist monopoly in the state.
“However, Hindus continue to face violence and atrocities in almost all the bordering districts of the state, it said.
The incidents of blasts like Burdwan have serious security implications, with clear cross border connections. The illegal migration and subsequent changes in demography have resulted in vote bank considerations surpassing national security concerns the editorial added.
Claiming that in the four years of TMC rule, more than 300 incidents of communal violence and rioting had taken place in the state, it said the “lethargic response” of the district administration “is more alarming.
There are an estimated 1.5 crore illegal Bangladeshis in India. Identifying and deporting them will require a gigantic coordinated effort by the Centre and states. Till then, hopefully the land swapping deal will stop further infiltration opined the editorial.  (UNI)