Govt red faced as BJP opposes Land Transfer bill, sent to Select Committee amid uproar

SRINAGAR:  The PDP-led state government had to face an awkward moment in the Legislative Assembly when its coalition partner BJP opposed a bill seeking amendment in the Jammu and Kashmir Alienation of Land Act and Transfer of property Act, aimed at preventing transfer of land to non-state subjects.

Following resentment by BJP members, the government was forced to refer the bill to the Select Committee for further discussion even though the Opposition, including National Conference (NC), Congress, CPI (M) and Independent Er Abdul Rashid, said it will vote in favour of the bill if it was tabled in the House.

Bill it was sent to the Committee after Minister for Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation Basharat Bukhari moved the motion prompting Opposition to stage a walkout.

Ruckus started in the Lower House, after BJP member Ranbir Singh Pathania stated that the bill should be referred to Select Committee following severe implications of this amendment.

The Opposition members were on their feet accusing the government of enacting drama over the issue in Assembly.

“Before a bill is tabled in the House, it is debated in the Cabinet. Once it clears the bill, then only it is tabled in the House. If the bill was cleared by the Cabinet, which consists of both PDP and BJP MLAs, why is that they are questioning it now on the floor of the House. It is nothing but a drama enacted by the BJP members,” Congress member Nawang Rigzin Jora said.

Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution (CA&DP) Chowdhary Zulfkar said that everyone has a right to express his or her view in the House.      “Let us discuss the bill in the House. It doesn’t matter if he or she is from ruling or Opposition, everyone should be allowed to express his views,” he said. (AGENCIES)