Grounds ready for India’s entry into NSG

NEW DELHI: In major break through for India for gaining the coveted membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a semi official draft has been prepared under which a non-NPT country can be part of the nuclear cartel with an understanding that it would not block the other non-NPT state.        

In present case both India and Pakistan are vying for the NSG membership, though they are not signatory to the nuclear non proliferation treaty, a prerequisite for the gaining entry into the 48-member strong group.        

According to US-based Arms Control Association (ACA), former chairman of the NSG Rafael Mariano Grossi, has prepared a two-page document, explaining how a non-NPT state, like India and Pakistan, could join the group. The draft is understood to have been prepared at the behest of the current chairman of NSG, Song Young-wan of South Korea, making it a semi-official document.        

India’s bid for the membership of the group was blocked by China at the Seoul plenary where Beijing raised the issue of NPT, clubbing New Delhi’s application with Pakistan. The draft states that “one non-NPT member state should reach an understanding not to block consensus on membership for another non-NPT member state.” (AGENCIES)