Guv inaugurates State Level Inter-Collegiate Silver Rolling Volleyball C’ship

Governor meeting participating players of Silver rolling Volleyball Championship at GDC Udhampur.
Governor meeting participating players of Silver rolling Volleyball Championship at GDC Udhampur.

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Dec 22: Governor NN Vohra inaugurated the 4th State Level Governor’s Silver Rolling Volleyball Championship Trophy at the Government Degree College, here today.
Thirty nine teams from the various Degree Colleges of the Jammu and Kashmir regions are competing in the Championship.
Governor complimented Prof SK Magotra, Principal of the GDC Udhampur, and his concerned colleagues, for successfully organizing this Championship for the past several years. Welcoming the participating teams, the Governor expressed happiness over the progressively increasing number of colleges in the State whose teams are participating in this annual tournament. He urged the organizers to try and secure enhanced participation of girls teams in this Championship.
Governor expressed concern that not enough is being done to promote sports culture and extra-curricular activities, which are vital for the holistic development of youth. He urged all educational institutions to strive and organize regular sports activities.
Governor complimented the players of GDC Udhampur for their high standing performances in the Volleyball Championship every year and also lauded the NCC Wing of the College. He hoped that the College will keep striving for achieving new levels of excellence in extra-curricular activities.
Governor watched the Exhibition Volleyball Match, which was played between the teams of Government Degree College Udhampur and Government Degree College Kilam, with keen interest. He complimented the players for their talented performance and presented medals to the members of both teams.
Earlier, on his arrival, the Governor was presented with a Guard of Honour by the College NCC contingent and the Championship was inaugurated with the unfurling of the Championship Flag by the Governor. Thereafter, a very impressive cultural programme was presented by the students of the Government Degree College Udhampur.
SK Magotra, Principal, Government Degree College presented the welcome address and  Zahoor Ahmad Chat, Director Colleges, presented the vote of thanks.
Among those present included Pawan Kumar Gupta and Dina Nath, MLAs Udhampur and Chenani, respectively, Ravinder Kumar, Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur, Rayees Mohammad Bhat, SSP Udhampur and other dignitaries.