Health Centre for Dhandal

Dhandal a small hamlet nestled among mountains in Doda district is without basic amenities courtesy callous administration.
The absence of one facility that makes people suite miserable in that of a health care centre in the village. The patients here suffer terribly on account of it.
They have to go somewhere else to seek media attention.
They process involves a huge expenditure which most of the people do not afford.
It is requested to the district administration and the elected representative of the area to consider this grievance of people of this remote village.
Dharminder Singh Sambyal,
Dhandal Doda
Sarwal-Patoli-Paloura road in bad condition
It is to bring in the notice of the concerned authorities that the road connecting Sarwal, Patoli and Paloura is traffic unworthy.
The road has developed several pot-holes and puddles and is not notable. Drivers face a very tough situation while plying on the road.
The authorities concerned are requested to get this road repaired immediately.
Otherwise there is every apprehension of accidents on this road especially to motorists who are not familiar with the road.

Repair Surinsar road
The road connecting Surinsar with Jammu city needs urgent attention on the concerned authorities as the road is in a bad condition. As Surinsar is a picturesque place, it is visited by a large number of tourists especially local. But they get dismayed while travelling on the road. This road is too narrow at some places to allow two vehicles coming from opposite sides cross each other. As a result frequent traffic jams occur on that road.
This road needs to be widened and mettaled to allow smooth traffic on the road. This would make a trip to this place memorable. In case road is not repaired, nobody would like to visit the place. And it would be great loss to the Tourist Department.

Ankush Sharma
Electricity shortage hits Rajouri
We the people of Rajouri have been experiencing electricity shortage for last so many days. The shortage of electricity has hit our day to day life. During evening hours it is quite impossible to venture out of homes as darkness is everywhere. Students can’t study, in poor light, it affect their studies. During day, most of the computer shops remain closed as electricity is not available.
The town witnessed many protest in the past. These protests yielded some results but not one that sustain for a long time.
We hope the district administration take effective steps to augment electricity supply in the area.
Riyaz Ahmed
Repair Udhampur roads
Due to incessant rains during last some days, many roads in Udhampur town got damaged. At some places roads were washed away and this caused great inconvenience to people here.
We request the PWD authorities to get these repaired and metttaled at the earliest.
Vishal Sharma
Ajay Parihar