
Tuesday  Nov 12-2019

Aries : Old, fond memories will define your mood today, which will show up in the manner in which you deal with work, where your mellow side will be visible to others. You are also circumspect with money and tend towards saving it. Ganesha says people dealing in cash and money-lenders will benefit.

Taurus : Today Ganesha sees you overdoing your aggression, domination bit and urges you to keep your assertiveness in check. This day is not a favourable one for new ventures and undertakings. Don’t therefore attempt anything new. Talk pleasantly. Harshness, roughness in your tone is only going to antagonize and alienate valuable friends. Above all, don’t lose your temper. Stay calm. Act normal. Yoga and meditation will help.

Gemini : You are desirous of perfection in everything that you do, and you practice this philosophy in every aspect of your life. You make sure that all of your energies are concentrated on taking forward your efforts in the right direction. You need to replenish your energies and increase your awareness today, to be able to continue your efforts, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will take on new responsibilities, says Ganesha. So you will be busy in your task. You may feel exhausted due to hectic work. So it entails mental tension.

Leo : You will be very emotional and sentimental today. Your ego prevents you from expressing your true feelings at times. You need to keep this in mind when attempting to communicate with your beloved. It is a good day for romance, and for those seeking love, says Ganesha.

Virgo : A fear of the unknown will keep lurking in your mind today. The shadow will only grow larger as the day progresses. You may find yourself spending too much on your foreign friends. Ganesha advises you to be cautious in this regard today.

Libra : Ganesha says your children will gain achievements that will have you feel proud of them. You will get monetary benefit either by increment in salary or by inheritance. You will be able to gain substantial gains by investing in real estate or buying insurance policies.

Scorpio : In all probability, your mood is extremely hawkish today. Your belligerence may even put off Lady Luck for the time being. Ganesha advises you to stay away from confrontations and troubles of any kind. The evening, however, promises to be relaxing.

Sagittarius : Remember that actions always speak louder than words. You will, in all probability, finish your work that has been seeking your attention for long now. You shall also successfully bring continuing disputes to the table and resolve them logically.

Capricorn : You have sacrificed a lot on enjoyment with friends and family, done some backbreaking work and kept your focus to reach where you are right now. Ganesha gives you a pat on your back for all the hard work you’ve put in. Now, it is time to watch the tree bear fruits. With some additional responsibilities, promotion in terms of salary or position is on the cards for you. You will get so tied up in your work that you’ll crave to have free time.

Aquarius : You will tackle complicated issues with infinite ease! But you will also find people passing the buck onto you. It irks you no end, having to take the blame for others’ mistakes. But here’s a chance, says Ganesha, to turn a weakness into a strength.

Pisces : Looking at your planetary positions for today, there is a likelihood that you will suffer from reversals in fortunes financially. Hence be wary when it comes to financial dealings.