
Tuesday March 02-2021

Aries : Today, you may receive some kind of material support from family. It is probably for a wise cause, so be sure to use it accordingly, says Ganesha. You may spend the evening with those very loved ones who have supported you.

Taurus : You are likely to remain unconquerable and unassailable throughout the day. Caution: Stay focussed and avoid frittering away your time and energy. You may face stress at work or in some ongoing project. Expect a relatively serene evening with your beloved, says Ganesha.

Gemini : A great evening with your sweetheart will be the highlight of the day. It will be one of the better days in business; you will be able to earn enough money to save for the future. In the evening, you may have to spend a little extra, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, you will show others, literally, how to be successful in life, feels Ganesha. The example that you will set here is likely to become a benchmark for your company. Despite your tendency of getting into confrontations with your seniors, you are likely to be compliant and cooperative at work. In the evening, you will see yourself socialising and bumping into an unusually large number of known faces. Ganesha advises you to divide your time equally among business, responsibilities and pleasure.

Leo : You are destined to play the superhero, at least as far as trade and commerce are concerned. Ganesha feels that today, you shall be more tied up in your daily work than is usual. But the upshot of it all is that all your actions seem to get the desired approval as the day progresses. Even your financial prospects will grow from strength to strength. Once workplace is under control, you may look forward to a positive spin in your personal relationships, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha predicts an imaginative and fruitful day for you at the workplace. You will feel your professional best in the afternoon. With your elegance, you will manage to put your ideas across the table and win the approval of your boss. You may pamper your beloved lavishly later in the evening.

Libra : Today, it is rather unlikely that you will get whatever you wish for. Internal strife with people around you may dominate your workplace, but you shall be able to negotiate this tough state of affairs with deftness, predicts Ganesha. Patience is your key to get over psychological turmoil.

Scorpio : The day will usher refreshing changes into your personal life, foresees Ganesha. No matter which side of the bed you woke up on, the day promises to present itself in a cheerful light. You will build and enjoy harmonious and cordial relations with your peers at work. Intimacy and pleasure in love relations at night will be the perfect ending for a delightful day.

Sagittarius : Cash transactions will ‘flow’ your way. Money comes easy to itching palms, says Ganesha, and you will enjoy the green scene as you take stock of your finances with precision. Beware of people with a negative attitude as it might inflict worry on your fortunes, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You will be brimming over with power and energy, so much so that you may go head first into a new business venture, something that can match your ability and bring you the desired satisfaction. Pending work will be done away with, leaving you more time for recreation, says Ganesha.

Aquarius : Today is a day for creative expression! Sing away to glory, for you may discover you have a wonderful voice. Focus and precision are your best tools today, says Ganesha. But some event may cast a shadow over your clarity in the evening.

Pisces : You will take up a lot of work today. Try to work well in the office as well as in your team. Apart from thin you will also be involved in different tasks. You will also try to do things for making a name for yourself. Ganesha advices you to only take up tasks you are capable of.