
Wednesday Feb 05-2014   

Aries : Today nostalgia tinges your mood, and this reflects in your dealings at work, where others see your softer side. You even spend carefully, seeming to be wiser regarding your savings. Ganesha sees profits for cashiers and money lenders.

Taurus : The time you previously spent on certain activities may not yield results as expected, predicts Ganesha. You will be reluctant to travel today. Your may find yourself wanting more space and freedom of expression. A stroll with your sweetheart, hand in hand, may be the highlight of your day, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You have been ignoring a few problems that have been plaguing your family members for quite some time now. It’s time you looked into the matter, says Ganesha. Irrespective of how difficult the challenges are, today you will emerge victorious. And amid dealing with mammoth challenges, there will be passionate, quite often sexual, interludes. Quite the charmer!

Cancer : Your strange and unconventional behaviour doesn’t always go down well with many people. If you think you are different, and maybe even better than others, it is advisable that you keep it under the wraps. The reason being that most people may not be able to understand you. Some may even feel intimidated by you. It would be a good idea for you to share your uniqueness only with ‘liberal’ friends, says Ganesha.

Leo : Nothing will overshadow your love for your kids today, and they will be the number one priority for you. It seems like a good day to take time out and monitor their progress in school; so, do not skip that PTA meeting. Remember, there are various ways to teach children, so consider taking them out on a small picnic or a field trip to help educate them better. Since it’s all about children today, you may also end up pampering them with goodies of their choice. Spoil them a bit, says Ganesha. After all, they are the source of your pride and joy!

Virgo : A shadow grows large in your mind today. An unknown fear will haunt your day, warns Ganesha. But be ready to take a hike. You are most likely to end up spending on your foreign associates. Be careful of those expenses, says Ganesha.

Libra : Nothing comes for free — keep this in mind as you may have to pay your dues for the success you desire today, especially if it is a new project that you have undertaken. Be prepared to invest a considerable amount of time and effort in your endeavours. Spare money can be used to purchase new assets that may pay dividends in the future. Either that, or put it in a bank. In short, Ganesha advises prudence in money matters.

Scorpio : Keep your guards up and be wary today, warns Ganesha. A heat seeker meant for someone else may hit you in mid-flight. But all that watchfulness will save you from embarrassment. Like those old fables, these experiences have a lesson in them, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Your business is all set to expand with you making the most of your overseas contacts. Effective communication skills will help you sail through your tasks. And you are making all the right moves to become the leader of your pack.

Capricorn : After all the drudgery you endured in a bid to reach a certain point in your career, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the rewards, says Ganesha. Today, you can expect to get a transfer, a promotion, a pay hike or all the three. But these will be accompanied by added responsibilities and work, leaving you wondering if it really was an achievement or a bait used to trap you. A lucrative job offer may also come your way, and given the circumstances, you may find it hard to resist.

Aquarius : Things barely move today. But just like the proverbial tortoise, you seem to be winning the race, for many opportunities will come your way. There won’t be any cash crunch, so you needn’t lose sleep over that, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You could swing both ways today! Fortunately, this alludes to nothing more sinister than the mix of the introvert and the extrovert that you are. So, between a quiet evening out by yourself at a classical music concert, or performing on the dance floor at the local disc — take your pick, says Ganesha.