
Aries : You will make a great deal of progress which will help you set aside quite a chunk of money for lean times. There are yet more deals to be signed which will turn out to be landmarks in your business. Ganesha says that your current labours will bear fruits in the future.

Taurus : In the more morning you are due to be gripped by an urge to acquire a fresh look, a complete make over. You will probably visit a beauty parlour for necessary treatment. Ganesha says that you will be desperate to make an impression on the people around you. In the evening you are likely to be vexed and puzzled by some particular issue. You will, however, act sensibly and seek advice from your trusted friends and, thus, sort out the problem.

Gemini : You will be able to improve your social standing and status tremendously today. You will spend all your energies in making your heart’s desires come true. You may end up proposing to that special someone and will find your life partner. You may finally decide to take the decision to tie the knot and settle down, says Ganesha.

Cancer : It is highly probable that you will be highly pious and dutiful today, foretells Ganesha. You will spend sparingly in the afternoon. You will stay in excellent health condition. Romantic dinner with sweetheart is likely, hopes Ganesha.

Leo : It is fine to make hay while the sun shines, but do not forget to put aside some for a rainy day as well, says Ganesha. Today is one such day when you can do fantastically well by putting aside some money for your family’s future. At work, pending tasks may have piled up, but today you shall do well to try and clear the backlog. Everything said, do not forget to take a break from the routine, says Ganesha. Evening promises to be passionate!

Virgo : Your position of strength will be shaken badly today. All chances are, this may invite unwanted troubles and furrow deeper lines of worry. But you may yet do good if you shift out of the usual and foray into something new.

Libra : Remember the joint account you were going to open one of these days? Well, today is the day best suited for such decisions. Make the most of this propitious day and make well-informed plans concerning your future career growth. Ganesha gives his nod.

Scorpio : In all probability, backlog is the last word you may like to hear. Professionally, you will remain workaholic for most part of the day. You shall polish off all those files in your ‘In’ tray. The romantic bee will buzz around in the evening and gladden your heart, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : High-octane action might be in the offing at work today. The day will be highlighted by your workaholic and tireless nature. Your bosses may be lenient with you today on certain issues. Love, affection and devotion of your loved ones will keep you preoccupied otherwise.

Capricorn : Striking a perfect balance between work and passion, you are likely to inspire people and leave them in awe with all that multitasking, says Ganesha. Of course, as the day progresses, work will gain more prominence and demand more attention, but for the time being, you will enjoy the break you may get from work. Amid all the happenings, your social life may take a back-seat, but you wouldn’t as much as even realise it.

Aquarius : Your ideas may be excellent, says Ganesha, but it’s your diplomacy and charm which will oil the wheels. You are a silver-tongued smoothie, and can even talk people into eating soap! Family and friends will revel in your company. If you are a student, you may get As in all your tests!

Pisces : You will be in the mood to splurge today. You are likely to find yourself throwing a party or entertaining guests in the afternoon. You might just indulge in some uncalled-for extravagance and give your spouse a pleasant, albeit expensive, surprise, says Ganesha.