
Saturday Oct 18-2014

Aries : Today, you will look for new ways to work efficiently… or have fun. A strained relationship? Ganesha says it’s time to make up. A short trip is also on the cards. If you’ve been feeling ill, a long drive with a loved one may be the perfect remedy.

Taurus : There is a chance that your analytical ability will get noticed today by your boss, predicts Ganesha. Such an analytical skill will add to your awareness and wisdom in the afternoon. You might go on a shopping spree to buy cassettes, CDs and similar electronic gadgets, expects Ganesha.

Gemini : You will propose, or get married today. Your family will be with you, trying to make sure that you don’t let this opportunity go. You will look fantastic today, and nobody in his/her right mind would be able to say no to your proposal.

Cancer : Your natural talents will be rewarded at work, predicts Ganesha. Later in the day, your peers will fully co-operate to help you achieve your goals. Your popularity will grow by leaps and bounds. But you should not let success get to your head.

Leo : If you thought the Rubik’s Cube was confusing, wait till you see what the day has in store for you. A rather nasty professional glitch will baffle and bewilder you. You may want to gear up for certain unpleasant situations at work. But keep your head through it all, since you shall need it in the afternoon to impress someone special, and find innovative ways to express your long cherished love. Things are always the most confusing before they clear up, reminds Ganesha.

Virgo : The day will bring in innovation and ingenuity on your part today. Expect a probable visit to a museum or a historical place, says Ganesha. Being frisky will help shape that body up a bit. Entertainment will work as a wonderful remedy to cure the wounds of an estranged relationship, says Ganesha.

Libra : Rub-a-dub and scrub and scrub: that is your motto today as you pay extra attention to sanitation. Call it the quirky side to you, but today, you may plan to wash your car, rearrange the furniture, and take up cleaning tasks in the afternoon. There is no stopping you as you scrub away stress and strain with your light-hearted approach to things in general, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Athletes will achieve prime fitness and form today, says Ganesha. Engineers will design plans that will concentrate their resources on laying the foundation to new business ventures. Your social reputation will get a major boost later in the day.

Sagittarius : Ganesha advises you to flock with birds of the same feather today. The perfection in your ideas may not materialise on paper today. And, it shall be evasive even when you get to the job of executing ideas. But keep working, advises Ganesha, and remain practical later in the day.

Capricorn : Dreading the consequences of errors induced in the past, you will be extra cautious while working on important assignments and will try to save your skin, says Ganesha. This apart, you will spend a major part of the day worrying over career prospects and mulling a change of job. But you will feel more relaxed in the evening and may spend a nice time at home with family and some close friends.

Aquarius : You will plan your day well. Good, says Ganesha, as it does away with the clutter in your schedule. That way, you will also get more time to do stuff you never came around doing it. So, bring out your old Cliff Richard records, and wipe clean your dusty LP player. You may finally get to revive old times!

Pisces : A good day for investments and speculations, especially in the real estate markets. Your gains will outweigh the risks associated with your transactions. However, maintain some monetary reserves to invest in other opportunities, as even better times are round the corner. You will come across as a happy soul in the face of such good fortune, says Ganesha.