House adjourned for quorum

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 4: Speaker Mubarak Gul had to adjourn the Legislative Assembly once again today due to lack of quorum.
At 11.09 am, Mr Gul adjourned the House for five minutes when the Assembly ran short of the quorum
At the time of adjournment of House, there were only 21 members in the House, two short of the quorum.
A day before also, the Speaker had to be adjourn the House in the absence of quorum.
As the House resumed at 11.16 am, Mr Gul said the members should cooperate and sit in the House.
CPM MLA MY Tarigami asked: “are only the MLAs meant for quorum? What for the Ministers are? Where they are?
“In Council, they said the Ministers are in the Assembly. Here, we are told they are in the Council. Where they are?’’.