Hussain Day observed

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 10: Youm-e-Hussain Committee Jammu today observed Hussain Day at Karbala Complex, Wazarat Road.
On the occasion, two sessions were held during which the speakers threw light on relevance of the Day and objective to observe the same. They narrated the incident of Karbala and described Hazrat Imam Hussain as the greatest martyr.
The first session was presided over by Justice (Retd) Hakim Imtiaz Hussain and conducted by Syed Jamil Kazmi while Prof Quddua Jawaid was the chief guest.
Speaking on the occasion, Justice Hakim Imtiaz Hussain said that it was high time the mankind adopts the teachings of Hazarat Imam Hussain so that the prevailing conditions throughout the world take a better turn and truthfulness prevails.
Speakers who participated in the session included, Syed Nayeem Abbas, Moulana Amir-ud-Din Shamshi, Aslam Qureshi, Gurcharan Singh, I D Khajuria, Dr Ghanysham Charak, and others.
The second session was chaired by Sheikh Abdul Rehman and Moulana Abdi was the chief guest.