Idea of National integration envisaged by Indira Gandhi more relevant today than ever before: Sonia

NEW DELHI, Oct 31: Charging the present NDA Government at the Centre with rewriting history, imposing falsehood and unscientific ideas on people and stifling independent thinking, Congress president Sonia Gandhi said on Tuesday said that the idea of National integration envisaged by late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is more relevant today than ever before.

In her address at a function to award  the Indira Gandhi award for National integration to Carnatic vocalist S M Krishna, where Ms Gandhi could not be present due to her ill health and her speech was read out by her son and party vice-president Rahul Gandhi in her absence, the Congress president said, ”In today’s times, when our country finds itself increasingly divided in the name of a narrow nationalism, the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration is a recognition of the values she stood for.

”Her life and convictions inspired this award, which is given to those distinguished sons and daughters of India whose work, beyond its intrinsic merits, seeks to protect and project the very soul of this land. Unity and peace, not division and conflict, are the lights that guided our awardees, in thought as well as action, just as they guided her. ”

AICC treasurer Motilal Vora said that the Congress  president, who was to confer the award, could not be present due to her ill health.

Speaking about her absence, Mr Gandhi said,”She (Sonia) wanted to come here to present the award. Even the doctor had allowed her to attend. However, I insisted that she take rest. So, I am reading her speech.”

In her address, Ms Gandhi, describing this award as a testament not only to Indira Gandhi’s contributions to the making of India, but to the broad view of the Indian ethos and heritage that she cherished, and her faith in national integration and unity, said the precious idea of national integration has never been more necessary than today.

”That idea of India that Indira Gandhi fought for has been thrown fundamentally into question by the rising intolerance  that we are witnessing today. A view of Indianness that is one-sided,  discriminatory, even warped, is being thrust upon us. The country’s heritage is now in the hands of those who are bent upon rewriting history, imposing falsehood and unscientific ideas on our people and stifling independent thinking. The liberal, tolerant Indian ethos that Indira Gandhi embodied in her life and beliefs is openly rejected and repudiated,”she said.

On presentation of this award to Mr T M Krishna for his exemplary services in promoting national integration, Ms Gandhi said,”Through his life and work he has used the medium as a catalyst for social progress and change, challenging regressive barriers of divisiveness and intolerance.”

”In giving TM Krishna the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration, we are confident that he will keep alight that flame of national integration and tolerance. In doing so, the sound of his music will soar above the darkness that rises around us and illuminate the idea of  a generous and compassionate India that Indiraji believed in and fought for,” Ms Gandhi said.

Speaking on the occasion, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said ,”Mr T M Krishna’s works teach us the values of caring for society and environment. These were the values dear to late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.” He said at a time when the society was facing deep divisions, there was a need to follow the  path shown by  Indira Gandhi.

Speaking on the occasion, the awardee expressed concern over the ‘ugly’ form of Nationalism prevailing today wherein one monolith order was being forced on everyone in the name of Indian culture .

”It is the plurality of India that signified our feeling of Integration. Unfortunately, we live in times when the feeling of National integration has been replaced by an ugly form of Nationalism. One monolith order is being forced on everyone in the name of Indian culture .

”It is the plurality of India that signified our feeling of Integration. Unfortunately, we live in times when the feeling of National integration has been replaced by an ugly form of Nationalism. One monolith order is being forced on us in the name of Indian culture,”he said.

The Indira Gandhi award for National integration is presented on the death anniversary of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. This year also marks the centennial anniversary of her birth.

Also present at the function, AICC general secretary Mukul Wasnik. The Indira Gandhi award for National integration is presented on the death anniversary of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. This year also marks the centennial anniversary of her birth. (UNI)