This is in response to an article by Justice B L Saraf (Retd Distt amd Session Judge) captioned “Return of KPs” published in  this paper on May 28. In this connection I very humbly request Mr Saraf to please think over the formation of a team of legal lumanaries which will include the retired judges and eminent lawyers of the community to ascertain the legal position of this grave human problem so that action can be initiated through the process of law. If the community is left at the mercy of Central/State Govts, ISI backed Hurriyat and lately ISIS  backed think tank of the Valley the problem will remain  the same  in future with no solution in sight. We know it better than the rest of the world that besides Friday sermons the rumour mongering by all and sundry have been the main  two tools to sustain the self imposed unrest in the Valley and it is only through a judicial process that honourable and justifiable return can be made possible.
However, if the redressal through a judicial process is not possible then there can be a middle path available which is Tehsilwise settlement of KPs at respective tehsil headquarters keeping in view their emotional attachment with the surroundings, religious places and flora-fauna of the area. This will be beneficial to those ruralities also whose land/orchards still exist and thereby will have an easy access to lookafter them.
Yours etc…..
Rattan Lal Jowhar
Roop Nagar Enclave, Jammu