New Delhi, Feb 10: The BCCI today said that the IPL auction will go ahead as scheduled despite the Mudgal Committee report finding the involvement of Chennai Super Kings Team Principal Gurunath Meiyappan in betting during the IPL matches.
The Justice Mukul Mudgal Committee today submitted its report on the IPL spot-fixing allegations, saying that the allegations of betting and passing of information against Gurunath Meiyappan stands proved.
“The good that Supreme Court has done is that the IPL auction was not stopped. It will happen as planned for all the teams in Bangalore (on February 12 and 13),” said BCCI Vice-President Rajeev Shukla, who is also a Union Minister and a former IPL chairman.
Shukla said it is important to wait for the Supreme Court’s directive on the issue before taking any decision.
“Supreme Court is an apex court and it will give some views and we should wait for Supreme Court’s views,” he said.
“We should leave it to Supreme Court what decisions they take. IPL auction will continue, we need to wait for Supreme Court directive.”
The three-member committee, headed by former Punjab & Haryana Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal submitted its report to the Supreme Court after investigating allegations of spot-fixing and betting in the sixth edition of the Indian Premier League, which also involved BCCI President N Srinivasan’s son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan.
The report says allegations of betting and passing of information against Gurunath Meiyappan, who was the Team Principal of Chennai Super Kings, stand proved.
The committee’s report came two days ahead of the auction in Bangalore for the high-profile IPL tournament this year and raises questions on the status of the CSK as Meiyappan was the Team Principal of CSK, though Srinivasan claimed he was only a cricket enthusiast. (PTI)