Justice Magrey inspects Observation, Children Homes

Justice Ali Mohd Magrey during visit to Juvenile Observation Home at Harwan.
Justice Ali Mohd Magrey during visit to Juvenile Observation Home at Harwan.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 30:  Chairman Juvenile Justice Committee, J&K High Court, Justice Ali Muhammad Magrey today inspected Children’s Home at Shalimar and Observation Home at Harwan to ascertain working of these childcare institutions.
He was accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary; Mission Director ICPS, Shabnum Kamili; Principal Magistrate JJB Srinagar, Khemraj Sharma and other concerned officers.
The Chairman JJ Committee inspected the observation home and interacted with the children staying there while enquiring about the well-being of the children.
On the occasion, on spot directions were given to the concerned officers to ensure proper education, physical activities including indoor and outdoor games, besides health care facilities, counselling, recreational activities, skill development, computer education of the children lodged in the Homes.
Justice Magrey impressed upon the concerned officers to ensure proper legal aid to the Juveniles for conducting their matters.
He also enquired about the facilities available for containing spread of COVID-19 and gave on spot directions to DC Srinagar for making availability of PP Kits, sanitizers etc to these Homes.