Kamani wins silver at Australian Open Snooker


In her first outing in the 15 red internationals, Amee Kamani of India went down to Jessica Woods of Australia to finish with a silver in the Australian Open Women’s Snooker championship played at Sydney today.

Amee went down fighting 2-4 to Jessica  57-34, 63-50, 81-35, 38-55, 17-68, 68-42, after the more favoured Vidya Pillai of India lost to the Aussie in the semifinal played  earlier.

However, Amee extended 19-year-old Jessica to the sixth frame but could not sustain against the aggressive and experienced Australian teenager to take her to the decider seventh frame.

Both Indian players did well to promise an all India-finals but Chitra failed, according to information received by BSFI here.

Amee, who has shown huge potential in the last 2 years, especially in Lucknow nationals, where she lost to Vidya in the finals but won bronze partnering the senior woman cueist in the World 6 red at Egypt, holds promise. (UNI)