Kashmiris held to ransom by self styled freedom fighters: Dr Jitendra

Excelsior Rakesh

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Aug 6: Maintaining that the Kashmiris have been held to ransom by self styled freedom fighters, Union Minister of State in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh wanted to know what model of freedom the separatists were following.
Talking to reporters here, this morning soon after his arrival from Union Capital to participate in BJP District Working Committee meeting at Udhampur, Dr Jitendra Singh said that so called freedom struggle in Kashmir was never a struggle in right sense as there was not any similarity in it like the freedom struggles led by Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela of South Africa.
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Terming the so called freedom struggle of Kashmir an unholy Jehad and terrorism launched by mercenaries and terrorists, Dr Jitendra Singh said it is a manufactured struggle which has roots somewhere else.
“We have seen the consequences of manufactured struggle which never can be from heart of the people but thrust on them as Kashmiris have never been with it because they have belief in pluralism”, he added.
Alleging that so called freedom struggle has become an industry and business for the separatists and terrorists, Dr Jitendra Singh said many separatist leaders made fortunes over night and became richest people in the Valley. While taking on some mainstream parties for opposing the Government, the Union Minister said it is easy to find fault with an elected Government and security forces who are guided by certain principles but it needs courage of conviction to oppose the separatists and terrorist who are responsible for large scale devastation and destruction.
“I have been always saying that they have become separatists by convince and not by conviction” and the so called freedom struggle has become an industry for them as separatists have made fortunes over these years.
On revelations made against the Hurriyat hardliner against whom 56 FIRs were registered in 31 years and 49 have still not been investigated, Dr Jitendra Singh said that with this infancies can be drawn that how the previous Governments were soft paddling on separatists issue. A comparison can also be drawn from the Modi Government’s action in last three years as “we believe in policy of consistency, courage and conviction”. He made it clear that the war started against the terrorism and separatists will be taken to logical conclusion.
In response to a question about the reports surfacing regarding exploitation of Kashmiri women by terrorists, Dr Jitendra Singh said one fails to understand that what kind of Jehad this is and what verse of holy Quran is being followed by these terrorists. “It is against the principles of holy Quran and teachings of Islam”, he added.
In response to another question that some political leaders are for holding talks with separatists when Government has tightened its noose over them, Dr Jitendra Singh said that in democracy we can’t deny any body having talks with any one. “Without curtailing any body’s liberty the time has come that the civil society has to introspect and see that does this step go in the larger interests of nation, democracy or J&K,” he added.
He, however, said credence should be given to the talks only when the Government representatives are participating in them.
On allegations leveled by some opposition parties in the State over NIA raids on separatists, Dr Jitendra Singh said NIA has its own credibility and no one should interfere in its working. “It is our duty that we should develop faith in NIA, in its working instead of finding a fault in their functioning”, he added.
Turning tables on opposition, the Union Minister said that “it is the result of their non performance that we are reaping the fruits at present”. “Those who try to interfere in the working of NIA want to take political advantage of the same but they can’t do that as over 60 percent population is of youth and in Kashmir common people especially the youth also want to join the Modi’s progressive, new India and take the advantage of welfare projects and schemes launched by the Government as he does not want to be deprived of the same.
This can be gauged from the fact that the Kashmiri youth are coming with credit in competitive examinations held at National level as they know and understand that the separatist leaders have send their own children for search of green pastures outside or managed good positions in Government for them while forcing the poor people to join stone pelting and terrorism.
Dr Jitendra Singh said the back of separatists was broken since note ban as earlier they were funding the youth by the black money possessed by them. Later they tried to loot banks but this design was also frustrated by Government which has cornered them from all sides and militants are on run now, he added.
He said the Kashmiris have now understood that what sort of Azadi is this and the third generation of Kashmiris will not fall in their trap now.