Knowing RTI

Chief Information Commissioner has very rightly touched upon an important subject viz. spreading knowledge among the people about what precisely the Right to Information Act provides. The fact of the matter is that not only the ordinary people but even the Government functionaries should know in full detail the clause of the Act and the duties of the providers of information and seekers of information. He has raised a very cogent point. People not fully conversant with the rights they have and may enjoy, go on groping in the dark… His argument is that if people and functionaries know the provisions of the Act rightly, then much of paper work would be reduced and time.
It was not enough to frame the Act. Awareness of the Act is the first requirement. What to talk of public authorities, the Government is also not creating awareness among the common masses. It results in filing of unwanted and multiple applications. Obviously, it is due to lack of knowledge about the provisions of the Act that even for small information the applicants are getting compelled to file appeals against the Public Information Officers (PIOs) and First Appellate Authorities. What the CIC indirectly suggests is that the Government should take steps to educate state functionaries about the rights of petitioners and to what extent these can be granted. It is amusing that a large number of officers, who have been designated as Public Information Officers (PIOs) are not aware about the copying charges required to be requisitioned and demanded from the applicants. Section 23 of the Right to Information Act, 2009 clearly states that Government shall develop and organize educational programmes to advance the understanding of public as how to exercise the rights contemplated under the Act. The CIC has very rightly invoked this clause and proposed that it is essential to bring knowledge of the Act to the Government functionaries as well as the people.