KPs for consolidated settlement in Valley             

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 23: Kashmiri  Pandits today urged to the GoI to initiate the process of settling all the 7 lakh  KPs in a consolidated way at one place in Kashmir valley where it will be convenient for the Government to built all the necessary infrastructure i.e. fool proof security, education facilities, creation of employment opportunities, business avenues, medicare facilities  etc.
In a meting today at Jagti held under the leadership of Pinto Ji they said KPs should  feel satisfied that they will not be again harassed and forced to leave Kashmir valley.
Members passed a resolution unanimously appealing all individuals and leaders of the various KP organizations to stand united and speak in one voice before the GoI and not to contradict one another.
Vir Ji Belove said that entire community should remain vigilant from the vested interests, misguiding and dividing the community having no following of public.
The meeting expressed deep anguish and concern over some vested interests and self styled leaders, who have falsely assumed the role of representing the exiled community living in Jammu.
Members urged NDA Government to invite the genuine leaders for talks with the Union Home Minister Raj Nath Singh and Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitely.
The displaced community is keeping a vigil against all participating parties and leaders as this is going to be a crucial and historical moment in the history of political struggle of Kashmiri Pandits.
Others who spoke on the occasion B.L.Bhat, Ravi Zuthsi, Roshan Lal Raina,Ravinder Raina,Sanjay Raina of Jagti,Pyari Lal Raina and Ashok Dhar of TRT Muthi, Chand Ji Khar and Ashok Ji Koul of TRT Nagrota,Daya Krishan and  Dilip Kumar of TRT Purkhu, Ravinder Kumar and S.L.Koul of Overaged and Relief  Holders Association.