Kranti Dal flays CAPD Deptt for failure in timely ration supply

Excelsior Correspondent

Kranti Dal leaders during a press conference at Jammu on Thursday.
Kranti Dal leaders during a press conference at Jammu on Thursday.

JAMMU, May 21: State president, Kranti Dal, Pritam Sharma has criticized Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (CAPD) Department for its failure to supply ration in time.
Talking to reporters here today, Pritam Sharma said that people have to go to the ration shop various times, but due to unavailability of ration, they have to come back home empty handed.
Demanding scheduled time table for ration supply at Government depots, Pritam Sharma alleged negligence, irregularities and irresponsible attitude of concerned authorities in providing proper ration distribution.
He said that people at different places expressed resentment against CAPD Department for non-receipt of rations including Atta, rice, sugar and kerosene oil for the last two months.
He also demanded to issue new ration cards and LPG connection to people as per their need after proper verification.
He urged the Government to ensure regular supply of ration and warned the local administration of strong protest by the party activists if it fails to ensure regular supply of ration.
He also demanded release of pending near about Rs 65 crore fund to the contractors so that they start halted works.
Condemning the waving of Pakistani flags by supporters of Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq at a rally in the old city area of Srinagar on Wednesday, Pritam Sharma said that the State Government had taken action against separatist leader Masrat Alam for holding an anti-India rally in Srinagar and hoped that it would act in a similar manner this time as well.
Other party leaders present on the occasion were Rajinder Bhagat, Tarun Gupta, Rakesh Kumar and Vijay Kumar.