LG interacts with students from Aryan Valley in Delhi

LG Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (retired) in a meeting with students from Aryan Valley at New Delhi.
LG Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (retired) in a meeting with students from Aryan Valley at New Delhi.

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, Nov 17: Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (retired) met a group of students from Aryan Valley in Delhi who are on the National Integration Tour organized by Forever in the Operations Division of the Indian Army. The students’ group comprises 14 boys and 11 girls and also two teachers.
The Army officials informed the LG that these students from Aryan Valley are travelling outside Ladakh to see the rest of India for the first time. They also informed that the objective of the Tour is to provide exposure to them through first-hand experience of different cultures, traditions and technological and development advancement across India to encourage them to focus on their studies and contribute towards national building in future.
Students and the teachers expressed their gratitude to the Indian Army for providing them with the opportunity to visit outside Ladakh and learn about different cultures and traditions of India and also apprising them of career opportunities in the armed forces.
The LG commended the efforts of the Army unit for organizing the tour for students from Aryan Valley as it will prove beneficial for their future and career. Appreciating the Army for organizing the tour, the LG stated that such tours should be organized to other parts of the country at regular intervals to inculcate the spirit of national integration among students.
While sharing success mantras with students, the LG asked students to get good education to become entrepreneurs and come up with their start-ups and adhere to self-discipline to succeed in life.