Lt Governor inaugurates Youth Clubs in J&K

*Volunteers to be given training about Government schemes

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Aug 16:  With the creation of the 4239 Youth Clubs under Mission Youth in a record time, the J&K Government has taken a firm step towards making the Youth a partner in the Governance process and UT’s development.
Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha made these remarks while informally inaugurating Youth Clubs followed by interaction with the members from various Districts through virtual mode.
More than one lakh youth are to be involved in volunteer activities through the volunteers program of Youth Clubs.
Youth has the power and potential to create positive changes in the society which is inclusive and sustainable; finding innovative solutions to the most difficult challenges we are facing today in Jammu and Kashmir, observed the Lt Governor.
The Lt Governor asked the young volunteers to discharge three big responsibilities- helping the present generation to achieve their goals; guiding the young kids and making the elders aware about social schemes.
From preventing youth getting into drug addiction to transforming their lives through constructive activities, you have a crucial role to bring change in society. There are various Government schemes to empower young boys and girls and with the help of change-makers like you, they can be provided sustainable livelihood”, the Lt Governor told the volunteers.
The Lt Governor expressed his happiness to see the enthusiasm among the youth of J&K for working towards the welfare of the society.
Speaking on the volunteers program of Youth Clubs, the Lt Governor observed that the Volunteers will be given training about all Government schemes so that they can act as a bridge between the people and the Administration. They will be involved in the planning and decision making regarding volunteer-led activities to be done in Panchayats, he added.
Best coaching institutes of the country will be brought to J&K, besides better skill and financial service training are being imparted to the youth by roping in experts from across the country, said the Lt Governor.
The Lt Governor asked the team of Mission Youth to ensure that the members of the youth clubs across Jammu and Kashmir interact with the young leaders, change-makers from other parts of the country.
He also said that the change-makers and young leaders from other parts of the country will be invited to J&K for interaction with members of the Youth Club.
The youth connected through virtual mode appreciated the Government for providing them with this opportunity to bring change in society. They exchanged Independence Day greetings with the Lt Governor and also pledged to discharge the responsibilities shouldered on them with utmost dedication and commitment.
Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary, speaking on the occasion, said the welfare of the youth is the top priority of the Administration.
Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary, CEO Mission Youth gave a detailed overview of the Youth Clubs and the volunteers program.
While constituting Youth Clubs five parameters viz Educational qualification, Professional expertise, Achievement in Social Service, Sports Achievement are being taken into consideration.
Nitishwar Kumar, Principal Secretary to Lt Governor; Dr. Raghav Langer, Divisional Commissioner Jammu and Deputy Commissioners were present, in person and through virtual mode.