‘Mind your own business’ is Manhas ‘mantra’ for J&K cricket fraternity

Rajesh Dhar
JAMMU, May 24: The lasting solution for improving the standard of cricket in the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to teach the people at the helm of affairs in cricketing field to always mind their own business and not to poke their nose into the affairs of the others. Otherwise, there is a custom or you may call it a trend in Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA) that the affiliate members become coaches, players become teachers, umpires become preachers and so on. That simply proves to be a stumbling block in promoting cricket in the State.
This sentiment was expressed by the former Delhi skipper and IPL star Mithun Manhas in a tete-e-tete with Excelsior Sports Correspondent on present cricketing scenario in the State of Jammu and Kashmir and about his experience in the Indian Premier League (IPL).
He said that J&K had never any dearth in cricketing talent and it has produced some quality cricketers in the past and is continuing to produce talented youngsters, but these cricketers are lost in the dirt of politics in the system of things in JKCA and they fall short of mentors to perform at the higher levels. He added that the batsmen like Vidhya Bhasker, Vishal Sharma and Ranjeet Bali and the bowlers like Abdul Qyoom, Vijay Sharma, Surinder Singh Bagal and Raj Kumar were all gifted cricketers and possessed almost all that is required to blossom at the higher level, but they failed to make it to that level because of two main reasons- one, the poor cricketing system and second, the lack of professional approach and goal orientation.
“Unless and until you fix goals and concentrate on those with zeal, zest and vigour, expecting your excellence in any field is to cry for the moon,” opined Manhas.
Replying to a question as to why J&K cricketers fail to create a niche at the higher levels, Manhas said that the State cricketers believe more on individualism than on teamwork, which makes them to suffer. Unless you learn to play as a cohesive unit, you can never enhance your individual performance, expressed Manhas.
Observing that some teams are not taking part in the ongoing 3rd Prof Pran Malhotra Memorial Cricket Tournament, Mithun said that politics apart, game should always be the winner, adding that boycotting a cricket activity is against the sporting spirit as also against the name of the game. He said the decision of some club administrators with regard not to participate in the tournament does not set ‘Thames on Fire,’ rather it debars State cricketers from an opportunity and leaves them in the lurch.
While sharing his views on his experience in Indian Premier League (IPL) Manhas said the sporting extravaganza has proved a launching pad for those cricketers, who despite being talented remained unnoticed, have now been able to share dressing rooms with top cricketers of the world.