Monday, October 8, 2013

Aries : If you are related in any way with the media, Ganesha predicts that you will taste success today. Since all the focus is on you, it is a great time to exhibit your skills. Your talents will get recognition and your short-term goals will come to fruition.

Taurus : This day there could be a lot of surprises in store for you. Be prepared for sudden and unexpected twist and turns in the flow of events. This is not a day for taking up meaningful activities. Ganesha advises you to postpone all major programmes and decisions for tomorrow. You are likely to encounter stiff challenges where compromising your principles may seem to be the only way to face them. Try not to respond without giving everything a second thought.

Gemini : It is the right day to reveal your innermost feelings to your loved ones and friends, and as well as to make them privy to your thoughts and opinions. Your courteous and kind nature will come to the fore today. Health and diet should not be issues today, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will work with concentration in office. So tasks will be finished fast. Your life is turning a new turn, whereby you feel it is full of thrill and affection. You will achieve perfection, says Ganesha.

Leo : You will interact with many people today. Your friend circle could expand. Businessmen will make new contacts. The later half of the day will see you experience uneasiness and stress, however the source of this will likely fade away in a short while. Hence there is no need to worry, says Ganesha.

Virgo : The only thing you have to do is begin what you want to do; don’t bother about results, they will come automatically. Ganesha says monetary dealings will be beneficial, but warns that things may not turn out to be as stimulating as you would have wished. Ganesha therefore advises you not to expect too much, just flow with the tide.

Libra : Ganesha says that those of you who are working independently or have their own business may have a good day in financial matters today. Those of you who are working professionals will find that your higher officials will be very happy with you and your abilities will be praised. Whether you are independently working or working under someone today is your day.

Scorpio : The income, which you had written off as bad-debts may be recovered unexpectedly in business, foresees Ganesha. Home and office, both demand your attention equally. And you are just happy that you are able to manage both the places gracefully.

Sagittarius : Good and bad; highs and lows is what the day has to offer you. According to Ganesha, you may come across unexpected monetary gains, but you plan to spend the extra income on renovating your home. All in all, a tedious day at home as well as office.

Capricorn : You don’t experience mood swings everyday. In fact, it is a rarity that you through tantrums. But, today it is one of those rare days. You will get irritated by the smallest of things and feel very disturbed. This will not last for long though. By the end of the day, you will feel energetic and be the first one to take any risks, says Ganesha. You’ll have a personality that others wish to have.

Aquarius : Normally, it is you who delegates and call the shots, but today situation will be different. You will be overloaded with work and nobody will be able to share it with you. But, don’t get disappointed, as your hard work will be paid off very well, assure Ganesha. You commitment and performance will motivate others to put their best foot forward.

Pisces : You will be successful in defeating your enemies and seeing your capabilities some people might try to involve you in illegal activities. Ganesha advises you to be cautious of these people. Head for a long drive or take a walk if things begin to bother you as this make put you in a better mood, says Ganesha.