Mountaineering Asso deputes Shivani, Mrityunjay to Delhi for advanced training

Shivani and Mrityunjay with Ram Khajuria, General Secretary of Mountaineering Association of J&K and Sr Mountaineer Sumit Khajuria.
Shivani and Mrityunjay with Ram Khajuria, General Secretary of Mountaineering Association of J&K and Sr Mountaineer Sumit Khajuria.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 15: In order to fully prepare  Shivani Charak and Mrityunjay Sharma, two ace climbers of J&K, who have been selected by Indian Mountaineering Foundation, New Delhi for the selection trial for Indian team for the 18th Asian Games to be held at Jakarta and Palembang (Indonesia) in August,2018, Mountaineering Association of J&K deputed them to Delhi for a 10 days coaching cum practice at the international standard 50ft high lead climbing wall and speed climbing wall with star holds and Gym  in the Indian Mountaineering Complex.
The climbers have been sponsored by J&K State Sports Council.
Since selection trials for the Asian Games shall be held at the same venue from 11th to 14th April, 2018 our climbers can definitely have the advantage of practice on these walls to improve their skill and stamina, prior to the selection trials.
Before their departure for Delhi both Shivani and Mrityunjay called on the General Secretary Mountaineering Association of J&K Ram Khajuria who had an hour long interaction with the climbers to facilitate their selection for the Asian Games.
Mr  Khajuria told them that their selection for the Asian Games will itself be a great honour for the state and the Association will be completely at their disposal for any support which can prove beneficial to them as far as their selection for the Asian Games is concerned.