MP appeals LG Sinha to issue appointment orders of Outstanding Sportspersons

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

JAMMU, May 17: Member Parliament (RS), Bhubaneswar Kalita has endorsed the plea of Vash Sabre Sports Foundation to the Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Manoj Sinha with regard to issuance of long pending appointment orders for outstanding sportspersons of the Union Territory.
In his capacity as patron-in-chief Vash Sabre Sports Foundation & the Rajya Sabha Member Bhubaneswar Kalita has conveyed to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha the concern of the Foundation in a letter.
The letter addressed to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, says, “These sports individuals have not only represented our country at the international stage but have also achieved remarkable success in various national and international competitions, thereby bringing laurels to the Nation.”
The Member Parliament (MP) further asked for personal attention of the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha. “Your attention to this matter is crucial as these appointments have been pending for quite some time. I request your kind intervention into the matter of the issuance of appointment orders for the deserving sportspersons.”
Earlier, communicating the patron-in-chief, Member of Parliament, Bhubaneswar Kalita, the Foundation Secretary, Kuldeep Kumar Gupta, in a detailed letter, explained the apathy of hundreds of outstanding sportspersons in Jammu & Kashmir in a communication.
Important to mention here that the Vansh Sabre Foundation has taken up the issue of outstanding sports persons, who wait since long for their absorption in the Government services under sports quota.