Multinuclear NMR Spectrometer installed at JU

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 22: Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu, Prof Mohan Paul Singh Ishar today inaugurated the Multinuclear Spectrometer 400 MHz of Bruker Make, Model AVANCE III, installed in the Department of Chemistry, University of Jammu.
The instrument is equipped with modern experimental programmes which will be immensely useful for carrying out high quality research. The machine is capable of carrying out variable temperature NMR Spectra. It also has features like 2D, DOSY, COSY and NOSY experiments.
This facility will be useful for all the Science Departments and also for postgraduate students as the NMR study is one of the important analytical tools for structural determination of compounds.
This facility was not available earlier in any of the Universities in the State. The cost of the equipment is about Rs 140 lakh and has been purchased out of the grant under PURSE Programme of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
Among others present on the occasion were Prof Neelam Saraf, Dean Affairs, Prof Renu Sachar, Head, Department of Chemistry, Prof Manoj Dhar, Controller Examinations, Prof Naresh Padha, Registrar JU, Prof Rajnikant, Director, Ramnagar Campus, Prof G M Bhat, Head, Department of Geology, Prof J P S Joorel, president JUTA, Prof K K Kapoor, Prof S K Pandey, faculty members and other guests.