Naeem reviews winter arrangements

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 30: Mini-ster for Public Works, Naeem Akhtar today chaired a high level meeting to review the arrangements made for winter season in Kashmir Division.
The meeting was also attended by Minister for Education, Syed Altaf Bukhari.
Akhtar took strong notice of complaints regarding traffic scenario and unscheduled power cuts. He directed the officials to take immediate remedial measures so that all bottlenecks are removed and smooth flow of traffic is ensured in city centre and other areas.
The IG Kashmir assured that the additional police personnel will be provided to Traffic Department for addressing shortage of manpower. The Minister directed the officials to immediately finish the colour coding scheme of passenger vehicles and resolve the traffic problems that arose due to shifting of Bus Stand from Batmalloo to Parimpora.
To preserve the heritage of The Bund, the Minister directed that all vehicles should be banned from plying on historic road. “The Bund has a historic legacy and it should be exclusively kept for pedestrians,” said Naeem Akhter. “In no way vehicles should ply on the Bund,” he added.
The Minister was informed about the power situation in the valley. He directed Chief Engineer PDD to immediately publish the curtailment schedule and stick to it in all areas.
The Minister expressed concern over the drought like situation in Kashmir due to which there is imminent threat of water shortage. He asked the PHE to start an awareness drive for starting austerity to save water.
The Minister directed the CE R&B to start patching work on all roads which have developed minor potholes so that further damage is prevented. He also directed the officials to upgrade the road from B&J Hospitals to Tengpora bridge underpass.
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, IG Kashmir, IG Traffic, Chief Engineer R&B, PDD, and other officials were also present.