National Highway Authority – now fully digital

The pride of first construction sector organisation in the country becoming fully digital , goes to the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). This attains importance on the count of doing it even under prevailing conditions of Novel Corona-virus pandemic. This means that the NHAI could now forecast delays , likely disputes giving advance alerts etc which would result in taking decisions fast and avoiding delays which are impediments of growth.
With the help of ‘Data Lake’ software, the NHAI would even predict financial implications and solutions of certain important nature and advise alternatives too. Transformation from manual to on line system is a major reform likely to improve tremendously its performance capabilities. This was so even in cases involving arbitration where claims and counter claims of substantial value were involved. Much of the time, energy and expenses could be saved which could minimise if not fully eliminate the chances of works completing not within the timeline. This could also benefit all those directly or indirectly associated with the organisation like engineers, contractors, consultants , experts and other professionals. A feather in its cap, as going fully digital to it means NHAI could now arrange all associated processing to be portal based. Noteworthy is the best use of the lockdown period by its employees who made optimal possible use of it in learning and getting trained about the use of the software and readying for the moment of achieving the goal of total digitalisation.