When certain issues confronting the administration being of importance are decided to by looked into minutely by it in order to resolve them smoothly, very often committees of bureaucrats are constituted who are required to thoroughly look into the particular issues and to submit the reports within a definite period of time. What is astonishing is that very rarely such reports are prepared and submitted in time and in most of the cases, due to unspecified and inordinate delays, the very purpose of constituting of such committees gets defeated. It is not that such a casual and impromptu approach is not viewed with concern and reminders and memos not sent but despite that only few committees have achieved their objectives. Recently the Chief Secretary had to direct the General Administration Department to identify those panels which were habitual non performers.
We have otherwise been repeatedly reiterating that there should be no place anywhere in any sphere of administration for non performing employees as the same being the bane of and the reason for delays taking place in decision making exercise which result in the vital administrative and governance related issues getting awfully stuck up. Can that be afforded at all? Officers and bureaucrats are expected to set examples for emulation by the junior and subordinate staff. Delays for reasons other than extremely out of control , should be viewed as dereliction of duty and dealt with accordingly to set a precedence if not a deterrence in the extreme sense.