Vinod Verma
When it is said India is a secular state it only means it does not stand for any particular religion, or political parties, but deals impartially with all people, that it adopts active co-existence. India is much a geographical expression, an attitude of mind, an orientation, a particular outlook. Fundamental outlook of PM dominates the spiritual landscape of the country. Prime Minister establishes supremacy over his own emotions, greater than one who is able to win the battles of the words and world. In other words, self conquest is more important and greatest are those who overcome their enemies without the use of force. Trying to win the leadership in the development from ingenuine politicians whose based interests lurking at their bottom of it, does not serve a respectful attitude to the PM – the prime personality for the sake of the country. Every political party must have tolerance which have become inevitable in the contents of self preservation. Every citizen has freedom to speak but don’t owe the unrespectful, ill mannered personal attacks to the Prime Minister of the nation.
Whosoever PM it may be, the issue of politics or economy can be and should be opposed (if required), and can be floated in the knowledge awareness to common people. People should understand the growth scenario propositions, whether in form or out of form to execute the vote right in appropriate specification. Opposition parties does not mean to oppose even the right actions about the growth of country, development done or being done to be in active direction with specific definition. The personal grudges be not allowed under constitutional rules and regulations for very important persons and nationalist personalities of any parties. Political leaders of opposition parties in the Government sector cannot blink away the fundamentals. The seats of political parties is a core dilemma of democracy. The opposition parties many times are unwilling to streamline accountability for every official and governance. Opposition in any case develop a fundamental fallacy in the arguments, false analogy between ups and downs.
Democracy must be born again. It requires us to respect and develop free spirit for PM which is responsible for all progress in human history. The democratic set ups must become aware of their mission not the litigation, their ability not the indiscipline, their speaks not the exaggeration. Opposition may sometimes be right or that there may be some virtue on opposed issues. It is this sense of restraint, the sense of humility that democratic politics imposes on us. All political parties should inculcate the democratic way of life, reincarnate the constitutional fundamentals, the individual ethics, the due comprehensions, the true sense of tradition and country’s patriotism. It requires a radical change in the political attitudes. Leader’s aptitude should speak itself rather than opposition neurosis for the Prime appointed to a higher official in the Govt.
The present PM holds the responsibility to make Nation pillars deep, great men who work while others sleep, who dare and lift the strength to sky. The PM attempting transparency in the open form that modern technology can permit. The basic principle of dignity and freedom of the individual is common theme to all political variations. Mutual respect is the aspect on which politics mature. The concept in the present scenario require fostering the tug of war between political officials, for the growth memorandum. The only thing that PM can redeem political mankind is cooperation in form of links between politics and economics. A billion people deserve their national identity to be recognized. The moral and spiritual values, may serve as the basis for a larger human fellowship. National leaders envisage a larger good even to international standards. It is for the political leaders to determine the practical steps by which the sources of power and communication now available can be used for the cooperation among the peoples of the world. Politics is not irrelevant to life. It has some guidance & help to offer to the generation which is perplexed at its failure to find satisfaction and is now “groping for light”, create a less imperfect society.
The secular character of Indian state emphasize the respect which it accords to Prime Minister. India won the political freedom in 1947. That has been a single task compared with the one or administering the country in a clean decent way. PM working on the pattern is acknowledged with a concept “No political undertaking can be made permanent without understanding at the cultural levels.” He wishes to weld the different sections of people into a big community with common objectives. The weaker links require to be strengthened. Poverty and economic backwardness are not the monopoly at any caste, community, race or religion. Education and economic opportunity are the great levellers. Prime Minister is an interplay of leadership, opportunity and circumstances. To meet the challenges of the new situation PM is devising new means. The country is being brought together too suddenly (by demonetization) and this enforced intimacy has intensified the differences and increased the possibilities of friction. “Diamond can’t be polished without friction nor the man without trials.” To advance the nation the effective leadership promote the ability to chosen leaders for decisive actions, development plans ahead. The times ahead are of a difficult political character, social character, scientific values and diligent leadership require the revolution of reformation in ethical sense. The quality which enables the individual to treat one another in a truly democratic right-An ideal before the youth.
All politics is a perpetual conflict between old and the new. Realities are exploited for the royalties by the so called leaders (dealers). It is a matter of great sorrow, that there was not among the leaders, that sense of politics, that release of energy, that buoyancy of spirit that characterize great liberation movements. Political solutions have to be devised for political problems and at borders the defensive virtue be acted accordingly. Power politics, the guiding principle of the traditional system of inter Governmental relations still survive, though disguised in different ways. We are devising weapons for the defence against the enemies, and the enemy within nationalism is being challenged by the powerful. Prime Minister has a remarkable mixture of ethnical elements which recultivate the lost visuals of Nation pillars. If the PM of the country shows powerful production credentials, an array of handling options, perfect for future Endeavour, the will of the citizen should create an attitude and atmosphere where energetic existence is the focus. There are immense challenges for accelerating future trend to stay viable- the art of adaptability, a definite phenomenal growth. I do hope India will adopt the philosophy, ” Constitution balance everybody to grow his fullest stature”, which will help individual, politics and economy to grow to its utmost.