Online services

With a view to provide hassles free , timely, transparent and assured services in respect of as many as thirteen Government Departments, the Governor’s administration has taken yet another peoples’ friendly decision , that of identifying 75 public services to be made available to the public through ‘online’ facility.
In an era of the Information Technology revolution, this facility is available now in most of the cities of the country and the state of Jammu and Kashmir too has been brought under the ambit of its 13 Departments providing ‘online’ facilities in respect of the identified services . This was going to generate a quite helpful and conducive business environment aiming at cutting down on the time, cost of conveyance to visit offices and the botheration of lingering on and dallying tactics, if any, adopted in any of such Government Departments.
These facilities are decided to be provided in fulfilment of the objectives of the Business Reforms Action Plan -2018. With a view to ensure better business environment in Government departments, various services have been notified as public services from time to time under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Services Guarantee Act 2011 which are to be provided to the eligible citizens of the state within specified time limit. It is learnt that the concerned Departments have already notified through Government Order, the details of such services which besides specifying other details like which formalities were to be completed have also advised about various documents which were required to avail of such ‘online’ facilities.